Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rachel Corrie Event

A photographer, for lack of a excessive description, documents life. Whether it is subjective or objective, fabricated or reality, creative or technical, we raise our mechanical device and capture something that somebody finds important. It becomes a frozen moment, forever lost from the reality of motion and time. On the sixteenth of March, 2010 I had the pleasure of attending an event in honor of Rachel Corrie and I took my camera to capture a few memories. I am posting a few of those shots here.

I feel a strong connection to fair treatment of humans. Most of my friends will probably say that I am a sarcastic jerk that often vocalizes my thoughts and opinions out loud when most people would have the courtesy to keep them in their minds. I don't do this to strangers of course, I mean come on, I am somewhat polite. I am not perfect, but neither are you and I will be the first to say that to your face. Most of my friends will also say that I would be there for them and that I would show kindness to any person no matter how they smell. Yeah, I might say something about their stench after I am out of earshot, but that stench has nothing to do with how they should be treated as a human, by another human! A logical person knows that if they have the right to be alive and treated fairly then so does every other human that has by some freakish chance come into existence on this floating sphere that we call Earth. Do you get where I am going here?
Rachel Corrie took a stance for the fair treatment of the Palestinians who were getting their houses demolished by the Israeli government. Say what you would like about the conflict, but how much do you really know? Have you been there, have you researched beyond the corporate news? I probably don't know much more than you, but I will be damned if I sit on a pedestal in my fortunate life and say that innocent people don't deserve as fair of a chance as the rest of us. This is all about love my friends. Why is it necessary to fight? We feel the need for control, which is directly connected to power. Let me just share this; no matter how much power you seem to find, or how much control you gain as a result of your power, you will still find emptiness and ultimately death. The energy we put into trying to control our surroundings, or even people around us should be focused inward. Once we have found ourselves and embraced the good and bad that lives within, we will realize our imperfections and recognize that it hurts to be treated like our lives are less important than others. Sure there are bad people out there, but don't hate people you don't know or don't understand. We need to stand up for fair treatment and alternative intelligent solutions.

This is Danny, I am including this shot because I told him I would. He is a great guy.

This is Andy. He is a close friend and a volunteer for the foundation. Talk to him if you want to know a lot about what is not fair in Israel.

This is where everybody gathered in a circle to share memories of Rachel, and thoughts about the presentation and the conflict.

This is a candle, duh. Everybody lit them and walked outside for a vigil in honor of Rachel. It hurts to lose but feels great to remember.

Check out the foundation's website for more info:

I love you and thank you for reading.

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